I. Approaches to the research and methodology
II. Social specifications of the respondents
1. Albanian refugees in the camps and in the private houses in Tetovo
2. Albanians in Macedonia and Albanians in Albania. Their social relations with the Kosovars
3. The MacedoniansIII. Psychological portraits of different ethnic and social levels
1. Albanian refugees in the camps and in the houses of Tetovo
2. Macedonians and Macedonian society as a whole
I. Approaches to the research and methodology
The approach was interdisciplinary, i.e. a team of six scholars who applied specific methods and tools during the field work including a sociologist, a specialist in Slavonic studies, three anthropologists having individual tasks, a historian and a mediator-interpreter from Albania.*Objective: Within five days to make an interdisciplinary survey of the situation in Macedonia after the ceasing of the military operations, measured through the attitudes of the Kosovo refugees in and out of the camps, of the Macedonian Albanians and the Macedonians themselves. To analyze indirectly the political perspective in Kosovo, leaning on the concentration of potentially unlimited number of respondents from different towns and villages, representatives of different social groups in one place, i.e. through interviews, questionnaires, free conversations, video-interviews and observations.
The questionnaires for the semi-standardized interviews, prepared by Prof. Peter-Emil Mitev, were filled in with 33 respondents in the Radusha and Bojane camps who came from more than 10 settlements in Kosovo. When filling in the questionnaires a great number of campers gathered, this usually turning into a free conversation, comments, and discussions with the participation of 5 to 15 persons. The respondents were men and women from 16 to 80 years of age.
A lot of free interviews and talks were carried out with about 25-30 persons out of the camps who were refugees from Kosovo, Albanians from Macedonia, Albanians from Albania, Macedonians including politicians, members of the governing authorities in Macedonia, intellectuals, people with higher education and workers without any education.
* A.Angelov, G.Savov, V.Tepavicharov, D.Mihaylova, Kr. Stoilov, A.Zhelyazkova and A.Chaushi.5th July, 1999Sofia
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