Petar Kirilov Beron

Cartoon portrait by an unknown author, sold at street stalls in the autumn of 1990

    Biologist, environmentalist, politician, publicist and public figure.
    Petar Beron was born in Sofia on 14 March 1940.
    Graduate of the Biology-Geology-Geography Department of the Kliment Ohridski University in Sofia.
    From 1963 up to 1969 he worked as a biologist at the Institute of Zoology with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Between 1969 and 1978 he was a research fellow at the same Institute, in 1978 he was promoted to Senior Research Fellow and became Head of the Zoology Department at the National Natural History Museum of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.
    1990 - Doctor in Biology and vice president of the Bulgarian Union of Tourists.