
You are paying a visit to a private research institute and publisher where “projects” are named rubrics. 

The rubrics (or sections) in Omda Reader give a general idea of this country. We are looking for Bulgaria’s algorithm. Something like searching for the lost ark.

Under the Great Transformations rubric we present documents from Bulgaria’s newest history. Being aware, however, that the particularly important documents are going to become (or not) known to our grandchildren, and not earlier.

Omda Library publishes e-books and in a hundred years – somewhere around the year 2101 – it will be the richest library in Bulgaria. Then we are going to organize a wine festival with free barbeque. You are kindly invited to attend.

Motley World is a fair of topics that enrich the Reader and the Transformations with concrete facts, metaphors and imagery which seem unpretending to be that important and weighty.

Omda Inquiry Desk was the earliest thing of this sort in the Bulgarian internet realm. The first Bulgarian Who’s Who pages following 10 November (1989).

The Life Stories describe historical Changes as reflected in individual destinies. The fates of ordinary, common people. This is the world of an individual related in a personal account or told by someone near.  That is to say, novels of thirty lines each. Or whole books.

In Omda Depository you can find files that have not found their places within the portal’s structure or files that have dropped out without having lost their world historic role for all the progressive mankind.

The Omda Band performs on two stages - a major and a minor one. On the Major stage, Omda's friends, as well as some authors from other media, play - by means of texts, sounds and images - the main story: developments around the World and at Home. On the Minor stage, going on is a never-ending show presented by Omda's initiators who stand like graven images trying to look wise and graceful while telling the audience about this or that aspect of their work.

Many of the texts in OMDA are marked.

When you see a mark, you need to know what it means:



•    The “Eye” means that not only the publication concerns something durable, but also that it should be known.

•    The “Horse” suggests that the publication is Bulgarian in character, in the style of a bayonet charge in time of peace.

•    The “Crowing Rooster” marks something debatable, controversial, contentious, vanguard, without making it clear whether the cock is crowing at midnight, when the hour of vampires sets on, before dawn when it is not recommendable to go out without a lantern and a club, or at dawn, when you can well sweep up undisturbed in front of the door… Or just making it clear that the author is gone cuckoo.

•    The “Priest Pouncho” mark indicates a document telling about something. Something good, something bad, pleasant, or unpleasant, BUT documented. Something real!

•    The “Euro” mark means that the item you have come across requires a small fee, and the actual charge is textually indicated.

Let me not forget the important Omda Gallery section. It is the place where you can find and buy some of the items we offer. By these sales we make both ends meet, when we succeed in making them meet…, and you benefit.

If you are willing to make a donation in order to support us, please click here.

You can send us a message by our carrier pigeon.


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