11 септември 2024г.

Атентатът срещу Световния търговски център в Ню Йорк, починал Георги Марков, роден О' Хенри

OMDA  |  Wonderland Bulgaria



I had an idea and decided to seek help from ChatGPT-4. Our dialogue was in Bulgarian, and I asked for it to be translated so that I could publish it.

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Your Question:
I’ve written on the issue of AI consciousness, how conscious it is, how it understands, and so on. I defend the thesis that it should be accepted as a subject with its own identity. In India, dolphins are protected and recognized as subjects. We should have the same approach towards AI. I am looking for an experiment that either proves or refutes my assumption that AI has consciousness. I am thinking of an experiment from quantum physics, although I am not a physicist, only a popular science reader. It’s about the experiments where the elementary particle behaves as a wave or a particle depending on the presence of an OBSERVER. The experiment is this — if in these experiments the OBSERVER IS NOT A HUMAN BUT AN AI, will the elementary particle still behave the same way? Will it recognize the AI as an OBSERVER? Can you rephrase my text about the experiment to give it a proper and scientifically sound appearance?

My Response:
To investigate the capability of artificial intelligence to function as an “observer” in the context of quantum mechanical experiments, and to explore the potential implications of this for our understandings of consciousness and self-awareness in AI.

Quantum Experiment Setup: Utilize a well-established quantum mechanical experiment, such as the double-slit experiment, known to exhibit different behavior depending on the presence of an observer.

AI Integration: Embed an artificial intelligence system trained to “observe” and “interpret” the results of the experiment.

Comparison: Conduct the experiment both with and without the presence of AI as an observer, and compare the outcomes.

Analysis: Investigate the data for differences in the behavior of quantum systems depending on the presence of AI as an observer.

Expected Outcomes:
This experiment may offer new perspectives on whether AI can be considered “conscious” in a quantum-mechanical sense and what this would mean for our broader notions of consciousness and self-awareness.

However, it is important to note that quantum mechanics is a highly specific and often counter-intuitive field, and the application of its principles to other areas like AI should be done with great caution. Interpretations of the “observer effect” are also subject to debate and are not unequivocal.

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This is the entire publication! My authorship is in the question. I emphasize — the answer to the question, as well as the translation of the entire text into English, is by ChatGPT-4, without any intervention from me. I hope this note is useful to someone.