Path: : Who's Who : E

Ellis, Andrew

Name: Andrew Ellis (UK)

Job Title: Head of Programme, Election Processes. Joined International IDEA in September 2003.

Education: Bachelor of Arts degree in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge, UK; Master of Science degree in Statistics from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK; Bachelor of Arts degree in Law from Newcastle upon Tyne Polytechnic (now the University of Northumbria), UK

Previous Jobs: Most recently Senior Adviser in Indonesia for the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI), responsible for constitutional and political law reform issues and the development of local government associations. Technical adviser on electoral issues in a variety of countries, including design of European Commission technical assistance to Cambodia for the 1998 election, coordination of registration observation for OSCE ODIHR in Bosnia/Hercegovina, and acting as European Commission supported chief technical adviser to the Palestinian Election Commission from 1994 to 1996. Twenty years¹ involvement in UK politics through the Liberal Party and Liberal Democrats, including six years as Vice Chair of the Party and four years as Secretary-General. Writer on Indonesian constitutional and electoral matters.


About International IDEA:
Created in 1995, the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA), an inter-governmental organization with member states from all continents, has a mandate to support sustainable democracy worldwide. IDEA's objective is to help improve the design of key democratic institutions and processes through improved knowledge and understanding of issues that condition democratic progress. It brings together those who analyse and monitor trends in democracy and those who engage directly in political reform or act in support of democracy at home and abroad. IDEA works with both new and long-established democracies, helping to develop and strengthen the institutions and culture of democracy. It works in partnership with international, regional and national bodies.