Path: : Who we are

About us

Priest Pouncho
Priest Pouncho

Self-portrait, late 18th century.



Insofar as everything belongs to somebody, one needs to be clear about who owns it and who is in charge. Therefore, please be informed that the OMDA portal is owned by OMDA Ltd.

Our email address is [email protected]

OMDA is run, taken care and kept going by:

Petko Simeonov, Maya Dimitrova, Kouzman Tsekov, Iliana Rakilovska, Rada Simeonova, Georgi Georgiev, and Gerasim Trifonov.




Participation in the development of projects is carried out on a voluntary basis (no special funding is available).

Our current projects are:

“The Bulgarian Identity”,

“The Contemporary Bulgarian Home”,

“Places of Daily Living”,

“Life Stories”,

“Outstanding Personalities”,

"The Newest History of Bulgaria”,

“Ethnography and Folklore”,

“Bulgaria’s Nature”.

Undergraduates from the Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv and Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia have taken part in the development of the above projects. Their names have explicitly been mentioned where relevant.

All materials are authored and the copyrights related to texts and images are held by their authors; wherever the author or source has not been indicated, the copyrights of the respective picture, video, sound or text belong to OMDA Ltd.

Contributions by individuals or institutions are welcome on the same terms – they shall retain their author’s rights over the corresponding text or image, but the material shall not be subject to withdrawal from the project.



The initial 1997 version of this website (entirely an HTML one) was produced (written, edited and compiled) by a team of associates including

Petko Simeonov, Maria Nankova, Iliana Rakilovska, Kamen Minchev, Irina Simeonova, Maya Dimitrova.

Contributors to the early website edition were also:

Gueorgy Assiov, Ivelina Assiova, academician Ilcho Dimitrov, Prof. Todor Ivanov Zhivkov, Prof. Axinija Dzurova, Prof. Petar Beron, Prof. Stoyan Radev, Kaliroy Papadopoulou.

Our patron is

Priest Pouncho

Our motto is