Persons, parties, realia

Here we publish data on persons, political parties, and artifacts (past realities, realia) having to do with the present day, although some people may not even suspect they once existed.

Not all of the individuals included are politicians. The mere fact that we have posted entries on their life and activity does not mean that we approve or disapprove of them. It is the reader’s job to do that.

The parties and organizations - some of them dust-covered, others covered with glory alone, or such that are still holding the reins of power - are arrayed here in order to let you know about them.

Artifacts are different things – from a pioneer’s red tie, through a label once stuck on underpants, to a finely named campaign of a certain political cabinet that thought they were very important and, in a way, eternal.

We are open to any comments, enriching remarks, and suggestions. Our email is available.

Note: Most of the material is found in the Bulgarian language version alone.